Breakouts are a good way to facilitate discussion and networking in large events by allowing attendees to connect in small groups. Let's take a look at how to use the Breakouts feature.
In the bottom right corner of the video window, you will find an icon composed of 4 blue squares.
Clicking on it pops up the Breakout Rooms manager. On the top left, you can select the number of individual rooms to create. Below, the rooms will appear.
If you have opened the Breakout Rooms Manager before the session has started, a "Save" button will be present at the bottom right. After the session has begun, the option to "Save and Open" will appear.
We recommend hosts set up their Breakout Rooms right after the speaker begins the presentation, especially if you want to arrange participants into specific rooms.
Click the "Auto-Assign Participants?" check box to place all participants in rooms randomly. If you would like Hosts to be included in the breakouts, click the checkbox next to that option. If the distribution of participants in the breakout rooms are not quite what you wish, you can click "Shuffle Participants" to get a new distribution or manually place them by clicking their name and dragging them to a different room.
If you are organizing breakout rooms before the event begins, and you are fairly certain who is attending, click the box next to "Include Offline Participants" to add participants who have not joined yet to the participant pool on the right.
Click "Save and Open" participants will be immediately sent to their individual rooms.
Once breakout sessions are coming to a close, you can set a countdown timer by clicking the Manage Breakout Rooms icon and looking to the bottom right corner or the pop-up.
Click the "Close Rooms In" button once you have selected the timeout. A countdown timer will appear in the video window of every participant. Once it reaches 0:00, all participants will be brought back to the main session.