Participants have a lot going on and can easily forget to join your session. As a host, managing an email list takes time and effort. Ideally, hosts can easily remind your registered participants that your session is coming up.
With a single click, you can now have revnt save you valuable time by automatically emailing your registered participants 1, 3, or 7 days before a session's start date time.
By default, no email reminders are sent.
Only participants listed on the "Registrant Data" page will receive email reminders. In order for participants to register, they must have a revnt account and navigate to your session's webpage and click "Watch" or "Register". Just share your session's landing page link and have them register.
As a host, it's recommended that you also register for your session so you also receive the session reminder email. That way, you know your registered participants also received the reminders.
How To
Navigate to your session's Registrant Data page, in the session editor.
Click the Send reminder to registered participants dropdown.
Select the desired number of days that you wish your registered participants to receive an email reminder notification. That is it! All done.
Optional: If you wish to stop sending reminder notifications to your registered participants, you can select "No reminders" option.