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Session Video Transcription
Session Video Transcription
Written by Adam Cardenas
Updated over 6 months ago


Live sessions can be anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour, covering many topics. When revisiting long recordings, it's tough to review what was specifically said or where in the video it was said. Scrubbing through hours of video, is not scalable.


As of v1.7.0, live recorded sessions, upon converting to on-demand, will automatically generate a navigable transcription. Allowing you to easily CMD+F or Control+F search for your desired text, and click the timestamp to navigate to that location in the recording. Transcripts are also included in schedule sessions as well.

Note, manually uploaded videos (i.e. videos not recorded on the revnt platform) will not contain any AI generated summaries.

How To

Hosts do not need to do any work to get the transcription. As soon as newly recorded live sessions are complete, the AI tab will be populated with the transcription.

Once a live session converts to on-demand video, navigate to the sessions' attend, page to view the recording and click the AI tab.

On the AI tab, click the "Show Transcription" button.

Once the Transcription section is open, you can accomplish several things.

Transcription Searching

Search for specific text in your transcription, using your web browser search function, using CMD+F or CONTROL+F.

Download Transcription

You can download the full transcription to a file or copy it to your clipboard.


Navigate To Transcription Timestamp

Best of all, though, viewers can click the timestamp of the desired transcription copy, and the revnt video player will navigate to the point in the recording where that copy was said.

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