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Written by Adam Cardenas
Updated over 4 months ago


  • Quick Session Create: New Hub Quick-Create button menu

  1. Live Video Call - creates a new live, recordable session, that can scale from 2 to tens of participants.

  2. Webinar - creates a new live, recordable session, that can scale from 1 to thousands of participants. Note, participants cannot interact with other participants (no camera/mic). Only Hosts/Admin participants can use camera/mic.

  3. Course - creates a new session containing three example scheduled session modules, to kick-start a multi-course session.

  • New Video Scrubbing Feature: Added forward and back video scrubbing buttons, to easily enable on-demand video navigation.

  • Create Hub Button: Easily create new client Hubs, using the new Create Hub menu action

Bug Fixes

  • A race-condition when loading a session, the paid session metadata fails to load.

  • A race-condition when user authentication context is missing, causing session access issues.

  • Duplicate session failed to create a new usable real-time live session.

  • Being dropped from a real-time session when resizing your browser window.

  • Clarified the recommend session banner image size, e.g. 2:1 or 1000x500 (width x height) pixels.

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